The Government of Gombe State flags Off First Round of Maternal New Born Child Health Week and Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention. says, provision of healthcare remains governments priority.

The Government of Gombe State has today flagged-off the the First Round of Maternal New Born Child Health Week and Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention ( SMG) in an effort to consolidate on the routine Primary Health Care Services towards reducing maternal, infant and child mortality in the state.

The Program organized by the State Ministry of Health in conjunction with State Primary Healthcare Development Agency was flagged-off at Primary Health Care Centre, Lalaipido in Shongom Local Government Area.

The state Deputy Governor, Manassah Daniel Jatau, Ph.D, who is also the Chairman of Taskforce on Routine Immunization in the state underscored the importance of health on every aspect of human endearvours.

” This administration has placed great priority on health that is why apart from security, health is the top most priority of Government. This is because without health nothing works. This explains the numerous interventions in the health sector recorded by this Government of which you are all witnesses”.

” As you are all aware, the Maternal Newborn Child Health (MNCH )week is conducted bi-annually nationwide with a view to reducing morbidity and mortality among pregnant women and children under five years. Services to be provided across Primary Health Care facilities include reproductive health care , maternal newborn and child care services”.

He said during the MNCH week, the state will also conduct the seasonal malaria chemoprevention, considering that the rainy season is a period when malaria parasites breed because of bushes and stagnant water in the environment.

” Malaria is a life threatening disease caused by parasites transmitted through the bite of infected mosquitoes. It is well well known as the leading cause of maternal and child death in Nigeria and as such increases the burden to the already weakened health system, thereby reducing productivity among our people”.

Dr. Jatau adviced against attributing cause of sicknesses to witchcraft, sorcery and to relations but to explore medical provisions for solutions to their health challenges.

He re-assured the people of the state of Government’s commitment to improve their well being, especially women and children under five years, calling on Traditional and Religious Leaders across the state to put their best to support this administration’s crusade in the fight against all diseases that constitute health challenges in the state.

In his address, the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Health, Mal. Danladi Adamu informed the gathering that, “this event is the commencement of the delivery of integrated package of cost-effective interventions primarily to be delivered to strengthen the routine Primary Health Care services where pregnant women, mother’s and children aged 0-59 months are the main beneficiaries”.

He also said, the interventions of the state government aimed to reduce the prevalence of maternal and under five child morbidity and mortality rate in the state.

“one of the national strategies to reduce the burden of malaria in the country and Gombe, the state government in partnership with the federal ministry of health through the National Malaria Elimination Program( NMEP) with the support from the Global Fund Malaria Grant, and other stakeholders in the fight against malaria have intensified efforts in drastically reducing the prevalence of malaria by targeting children 3-59 months by the administration of the seasonal malaria Chemoprevention using suldoxine-primethamine plus Amodiaquine”.

Earlier in his remarks, the Executive Secretary, State Primary Healthcare Development Agency, Dr. Abdulrahaman Shuaibu informed the gathering that during the weeklong activity, a total number of over 800,000 children between the ages of 3-59 months will benefit from free anti- malarial drugs while about 200,000 pregnant women will benefit from other life saving interventions.

He said, Children aged 6-59 months will benefit from vitamin A supplement, children aged 12-59 months shall be provided with anti-worms medication ( albendazole) and iron/ desolate supplementation among others.

He appreciated Governor Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya, CON, Dan Majen Gombe, his Deputy, Manassah Daniel Jatau, Ph.D, Traditional Rulers, Religious Leaders and health workers for making the program a reality and a huge success.

Goodwill messages came from State Coordinator, National Primary Health Care Development Agency, Alh. Yahaya Ahmed, State Coordinator, World Health Organization, Alh.Faruk Ismail, UNICEF Representative, Philomena Irene, and the representative of Mai Kaltungo, the Village Head of Kalaku, Mr. Naphtali M. Iganus who reiterated support to the administration towards provision of quality health care and commended the efforts of the Government.

Highlight of the event include administration of supplements, inspection of the health center and cultural display among others.